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Vendor Code of Conduct

Last modified: August 19, 2021

Hootsuite is a global company of over 1000 employees, built to help people and organizations connect through social. Living our values means that as an organization, we are committed to doing business in a way that is fair, ethical, and honest.

This Vendor Code of Conduct (the “Code”) is one of the ways we put those values into practice. It is meant to make our ethical expectations clear to all of the vendors and other business partners who do business (or wish to do business) with Hootsuite or with any affiliated entity or subsidiary owned or controlled by Hootsuite (“Vendors”). We expect all Vendors to act with the highest ethical standards. In that regard, Vendors should review this Code and take steps to ensure they and their employees and subcontractors understand and abide by this Code when doing business with or for Hootsuite.

This Code should be viewed as the minimum standards that we expect from our Vendor community. It is not intended to reduce, replace or limit any other legal or contractual obligations that our Vendors have to Hootsuite. Further, it is impossible to predict and describe every situation, so Vendors should follow this Code in both spirit and letter. When in doubt, reach out to

Show Respect

Hootsuite is committed to doing business in a manner that is grounded in respect for each individual and their personal dignity, which requires a safe, inclusive, and supportive work environment, where everyone has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Treat everyone with respect.

Hootsuite values individuality and diversity. Take the time to listen to others, and accept that different people bring different perspectives. Hootsuite does not tolerate bullying, harassment, violence, or discrimination.

Hootsuite expects its Vendors to provide work environments that are inclusive with equal opportunities and fair treatment of everyone (employees, customers, business partners and other stakeholders) regardless of race, ancestry, religion, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, gender identity, gender expression, culture, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, mental or physical disability, socio-economic or social conditions, or any other factor unrelated to job requirements or other basis protected by applicable laws.

Be Transparent; Avoid Creating Conflicts of Interest

We expect our Vendors to avoid putting our employees in situations where their personal interests, or the interests of their friends or family or significant other, might interfere or appear to interfere with Hootsuite’s interests.

For example, Vendors and their representatives must not deal directly with any Hootsuite employee whose close friend, family member, or significant other is employed by or holds a significant financial interest in the Vendor, and Vendor representatives must not deal directly with any Hootsuite employee who is their own friend, family member, or significant other. Vendors must disclose any such relationship to their Hootsuite business contact.

Be Ethical; Don’t Break the Law

Hootsuite expects all Vendors to respect all laws applicable to both their business and ours. That includes laws and regulations that exist at the international, national, state and provincial, and even local level. Depending on the business a Vendor conducts with Hootsuite, that may include:

Privacy and Data Protection Laws. Hootsuite is committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, security and privacy of the personal information of our customers, prospects, employees, and candidates, and to complying with applicable privacy and data protection laws. We expect the same of any Vendor who might handle any of that personal information.

Laws on Corruption, Foreign Business Dealing, and Improper Payments. Never attempt to improperly influence Hootsuite business decisions, or decisions of public officials in relation to Hootsuite’s business. Do not offer, provide or solicit anything (including gifts, entertainment, or speaking engagements or other opportunities or affiliations) that might compromise or appear to compromise a Hootsuite employee’s judgment or independence, or that might be seen as being offered, provided, or solicited for the purpose of influencing or inducing the recipient to obtain, retain, or direct business for or to any person or for the purpose of securing any improper advantage.

Be Good Global Citizens

Hootsuite is committed to working toward sustainability in our operations and meeting the social and environmental expectations of our stakeholders. We expect our Vendors to do the same, including with respect to:

Environment. Vendors should strive to minimize the adverse impacts of business activities on the local and global environment.

Anti-Human Trafficking. Hootsuite is committed to avoiding human trafficking, child labor and forced labor in our supply chain.

Human Rights. Human rights are the fundamental rights, freedoms and standards of treatment to which all people are entitled.

Hootsuite is committed to treating all people with dignity and respect, enabling healthy and safe work environments, promoting ethical behavior, and respecting privacy.We will prioritize Vendors who share Hootsuite’s commitment to human rights, workplace safety and conduct their employment practices in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Consequence of Failure to Comply

Hootsuite takes any failure to meet the expectations set out in this Code seriously. We may decide not to do business, or to cease to do business, with any Vendor that fails to comply with this Code.

Legal Stuff

This Code is not a contract. The expectations set out in this Code are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any obligations set out in any contract or agreement you have with Hootsuite.

This Code does not confer any rights to any third parties. No Vendor or employee(s) or contractor(s) of any Vendor will have any rights against Hootsuite by virtue of this Code, nor will such employee(s) or contractor(s) have any rights to enforce (or require Hootsuite to enforce) any provision of this Code.

If you have questions or concerns about this Code or your business relationship with us, please raise them with your primary Hootsuite contact or email