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Hootsuite Brand Assets Terms of Service

Brand Assets

Our Brand Assets include the Hootsuite name and logos, and any other word, phrase, image, or other designation that identify the source of origin of any of Hootsuite’s branding or products. Our brand Assets are the exclusive property of Hootsuite, and any goodwill that results from your use of our Brand Assets is solely for our benefit.

Your Agreement

By using the Hootsuite Brand Assets, you agree to comply with these guidelines, the Hootsuite Brand Guidelines, as well as our Terms of Service and all of our applicable rules and policies. We reserve the right to cancel, modify, or change the terms of these guidelines at any time at our discretion, and your continued use of our Brand Assets represents your agreement to comply with such amendments. You understand and agree that (i) your violation of these guidelines will result in the automatic termination of your license and/or permission to use our Brand Assets, and (ii) you must immediately stop using our Brand Assets upon our notice for you to do the same. For further information about use of our Brand Assets, please contact brand@hootsuite.com.

Unauthorized Uses

Do not change, modify, distort, copy or imitate our Brand Assets in any way, including changing the colour, rotating and/or stretching our Brand Assets. In other words, our Brand Assets must be kept in their original forms.

Do not use our Brand Assets in any manner that could mislead the public regarding sponsorship, endorsement or association with any other company, products or services.

Do not give our Brand Assets undue prominence compared to your name and logo.

Do not display our Brand Assets next to content from a similar service provider or in any form of competitive marketing, without our express consent.

Do not register or use any trade name, trademark, logo, domain name (including without limitation, so called “internationalized” domain names), sub-domain or URL path or any other name or sign that incorporates any of our Brand Assets (in whole or part) or that is confusingly similar to them.

Do not imitate or use any of Hootsuite’s slogans or taglines.

Except for the right to use our Brand Assets expressly granted herein, no rights of any kind are granted hereunder, by implication or otherwise. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please submit your inquiry to legal@hootsuite.com.