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Sparkcentral Standard Service Level Agreement

Support is provided by the Sparkcentral Customer Support Team (“CST”). Support encompasses technical troubleshooting, functional expertise and instruction on the configuration and use of Sparkcentral products, and general customer service. The terms of the Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) are as follows:


The Subscription Services will be available 99.9% of the time, measured monthly, excluding downtime resulting from the following, referred to as (“Excused Downtime”):

  1. Scheduled Downtime; downtime that is announced by Sparkcentral (see Scheduled Downtime Notification Schedule);

  2. Failure of software, hardware, middleware or systems which are necessary to complete a transaction but which are not provided or controlled by Sparkcentral;

  3. Denial of service attacks on the Customer website, or other failures attributable to the Customer website;

  4. Service interruptions, outages or performance degradation caused by Customer or Customer’s affiliates, users, service providers, vendors or contractors or other third parties not under the control of Sparkcentral;

  5. Force Majeure Events

Services are considered ‘unavailable’ when Customer and their users experience any of the following:

  1. No users can login to the Agent Dashboard;

  2. Cannot receive messages from any subscribed Mediums;

  3. Cannot send messages to any subscribed Mediums

Monitoring of service availability will be performed by Sparkcentral using the following calculation:

a = [(b – c)-d] x 100 / b – c

a” = the percentage of the service availability in such month;
b” = the total number of hours in such month;
c” = the total number of Excused Downtime in such month; and
d” = the total number of hours the Subscription Services are unavailable for reasons other than Excused Downtime in such month.


If Maintenance or Product changes require downtime, Sparkcentral will adhere to the following notification schedule:

Scheduled Downtime

Example Activity


Downtime Window

Greater than 20 minutes

Database or other technology upgrades or long running migrations.

1 business week

US: 1 am to 3 am PST (10 am to 12 pm CET)

EU: 9 pm to 12 am CET (12 pm to 3 pm PST)

Max of 20 minutes

Customer facing releases or security updates with no outage or short term outage due to component restart.

2 business days

US: 1 am to 3 am PST (10 am to 12 pm CET)

EU: 9 pm to 12 am CET (12 pm to 3 pm PST)


Sparkcentral Support normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm Pacific and 9am-5pm Central European time, excluding holidays, and can be contacted by email at support@sparkcentral.com.


Sparkcentral will acknowledge and respond to all inbound requests as specified in the Severity Support Table below. Resolution times will vary depending on the complexity of the reported problem and/or the nature of the required solution. In some cases, resolution may take longer if:

  • A significant product change is required.

  • A third party network or service (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) is responsible for the underlying problem.

Sparkcentral’s standard framework for problem resolution is to categorize and prioritize problem reports in a typical manner, such as “Severity 1”, “Severity 2”, “Severity 3”, and “Severity 4”. Any production system outage is automatically treated as a high/critical “Severity 1” and triggers a 24×7 development and support commitment until resolved. Lower Severity issues are ranked based on impact to the Customer and issue complexity (see Severity Support Table).

Issues are defined as the product not performing or behaving as defined in product documentation. Reports or requests of non-documented behaviors are considered feature requests and are not subject to this framework for problem resolution.


Severity 1 Support Issue

Severity Definition

Widespread production system outage. System is unusable.

Initial Response

Within 30 Minutes Maximum

Sparkcentral Action

All resources applied 24x7 until a workaround or fix is achieved such that material functionality is restored (assumes all 3rd party platforms operating properly). Sparkcentral may incorporate the fix into a future update to the SaaS Platform.

Follow Up

(if requested/required) Every 4 hours following initial response

Severity 2 Support Issue

Severity Definition

Major impact to production workflow. No clear work-around.

Initial Response

Within 4 Business Hours Maximum

Sparkcentral Action

Apply enough resources working during normal business hours with the goal of achieving a workaround or an appropriate fix such that material functionality is restored as soon as possible. If a more permanent fix is required, Sparkcentral will target completion of a fix within 14 business days once the problem is reproducible (assumes all 3rd party platforms operating within SLA). Sparkcentral may incorporate the fix into a future update to the SaaS Platform.

Severity 3 Support Issue

Severity Definition

Minor impact to production workflow. Workaround available.

Initial Response

1 Business Day Maximum

Sparkcentral Action

Review and respond within stated time frame. Use commercially reasonable efforts during normal business hours with the goal of achieving a workaround or an appropriate fix such that material functionality is restored, unless such functionality is deemed unimportant or obsolete by Sparkcentral. If applicable, resolution/workaround/fix of the problem may appear in a future update to the SaaS Platform.

Severity 4 Support Issue

Severity Definition

No impact to production usage. Questions on product use, feedback, suggestions, feature requests, other

Initial Response

2 Business Days Maximum

Sparkcentral Action

Review and respond within stated time frame. Use commercially reasonable efforts during normal business hours with the goal of addressing the question or capturing a request.


Customer will be notified via email, status page (http://status.sparkcentral.com/) or by screen notifications within the Sparkcentral Platform as defined under Scheduled Downtime Notification Schedule. While all attempts are made to notify in advance and minimize interruptions to the service, it may be necessary to respond quickly and update with minimal or without advanced notification if security or service continuity is deemed at risk. Sparkcentral makes every effort to avoid such scenarios.